We thought we would share some of the video streams and wildlife cams that help bring the wonder of nature into our homes, schools and offices.
Lily the Black Bear
Thousands watched in January of 2010 as five-year-old Lily gave birth to her cub, Hope. Never had the world seen into the secretive world of a black bear den. Lily and her grown cub, Faith can be seen denning in their 7-foot deep rock den.
Cornell University Red-tailed Hawk
Hawks have been nesting above the Cornell U athletic fields for several years. Now they've installed a nest cam so we can all watch "Big Red" and her mate.
Jordon Lake EagleCam
The feed is streaming on a three day delay due to technical issues but you can still watch the two fledglings that were born in January.
CCB Richmond Eagles
Two chicks were born on March 16 & 18. The parents are busy bringing food back for the hungry nestlings. Brought to you by The Center for Conservation Biology, the nest is located on the James River in Richmond Virginia.
Rowe Sanctuary's Crane Cam
The Rowe Sanctuary is on the Platte River in Nebraska, the place to be if you are a crane migrating. Nearly a half-million birds will arrive in the evening and take off in the morning. The sound is incredible!
Monterey Bay Aquarium Open Sea Cam
The one million gallon aquarium houses a diverse group of sea animals from bluefin tuna to giant green sea turtles. The live feed is only available from 7am-7pm PST.
Sea Lion Web Cam
From Peir 39 in San Francisco you can watch the crazy antics of the sea lions on the platforms floating in the bay.
Norfolk Botanical Garden Eagle Cam
This eagle cam is located in the Botanical Garden in Norfolk Virginia. The latest reports are that a new female has taken an interest in the nest.
Those are just a few of the live video feeds that are available to view. If you have a favorite, we'd love for you to share it with us.
We're hoping to bring our live stream back online in the next few days. There has been a lot of nest building activity in the boxes around the park but not a whole lot in the one with the camera. Check-in from time to time on our Ustream channel - http://www.ustream.tv/channel/little-river-nestbox-cam to see if we've gone live.
Happy Watching!